kyodo office

kyodo office

写真・映像の制作を主体とするクリエイティブカンパニー bird and insectと共同主催する
みえる印象的な廊下が各スペースを繋ぎます。 真っ白な空間はギャラリーのような雰囲気もあり、

共同主催者:bird and insect ltd.
インテリアデザイン:小栗誠詞 (株式会社イド)
施工:井口博志 (株式会社エスタビルド)
写真:shuntaro (bird and insect ltd.)

Interior design of a shared office for creators co-sponsored by bird and insect,
a creative company that mainly produces photographs and images. It also has
an office, library, workroom, conference room, and photo studio. As a place for
various creations, we have created a blank space that does not have a strong concept.
The space is divided by walls that are erected to draw auxiliary lines in the old architecture.
The pure white space has a gallery-like atmosphere and also functions as a place for
exhibiting works at any time.

DATE:Sep, 2017
PLACE:Tokyo, Japan
CO-ORGANIZER:bird and insect ltd.
INTERIOR DESIGN:Seiji Oguri (id inc.)
CONSTRUCTION:Hiroshi Iguchi (Esta Build Co., Ltd.)
PHOTOGRAPHS:shuntaro (bird and insect ltd.)